Thursday, September 20, 2007

jq4r version 0.1 released

In jq4r version 0.1, the following helpers are provided:

  • jq_link_to_remote

    This method works as the original link_to_remote method. It creates a link tag but overrides the click event handler to send request to a remote action. The relationship between jq_link_to_remote and link_to_remote is that jq_link_to_remote is a jQuery-based implementation of link_to_remote
  • jq_load_from_remote

    This method also creates a link to a remote action but update the content (innerHTML) of a element by the response of a remote action. It's a simplified version of jq_link_to_remote, because it simply generates $(elem).load() script instead of $.ajax(...).
  • jq_form_remote_tag

    As the original form_remote_tag, it creates the form tag and overrides the submit event handler. jq_form_remote_tag is the jQuery-based implementation of form_remote_tag.
  • jq_remote_form_for

    As jq_form_remote_tag, this method is another way to create the form tag with AJAX actions.
  • jq_submit_to_remote

    Creates a button tag (accurately, an input tag) thats submit data to a remote action. If the data are not specified, it will submit whole fields' values within a form.
  • jq_periodically_call_remote

    Requests a remote action periodically. With :frequency option you man specify how long is the request be fired.
  • jq_observe_field

    Observes a field within a form. While the timer event comes (if you specify the :frequency option) or there's something changed within the field, the callback function will be executed.
  • jq_observe_form

    As jq_observe_form, it observes a form, instead.
  • jq_visual_effect

    By calling jq_visual_effect, you can make animations in the page. As the original visual_effect, the first parameter is the effect's name. In jq4r version 0.1, you may use :animate, :slide_up / :slide_down, and :fade_in / :fade_out / :fade_to.
I will try to make jq4r supports more jQuery methods or plugins. Just give it a trial, and feel free to send me feedbacks to make jq4r much better. Thanks.

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